
Registration Information

Verify Information


Step 1/3

Other points to note

  1. The information provided by you is only used for the purpose of making an online registration purpose. Online information transmission is encrypted to ensure security and confidentiality. However, please DO NOT include enquiries or instructions related to your banking transactions in your e-mails to us.
  2. Before submitting the information, please read our Online Important Notes (For details, please visit Hang Seng Bank website - Online Terms & Conditions).

Other points to note

  1. The information provided by you is only used for the purpose of making an online registration purpose. Online information transmission is encrypted to ensure security and confidentiality. However, please DO NOT include enquiries or instructions related to your banking transactions in your e-mails to us.
  2. Before submitting the information, please read our Online Important Notes (For details, please visit Hang Seng Bank website - Online Terms & Conditions).