Application takes few minutes to go

Make sure you are:

  • A Hong Kong resident aged 18 or above
  • Holding a Hong Kong new smart identity card (introduced in Nov 2018)
  • Currently located in Hong Kong
  • In a well-lit environment to scan your HKID and take selfie
  • Allowed "Hang Seng Personal Banking" to access your camera.

Personal data usage

All personal data you provide for the purpose of this application, including your particulars, images and videos will be collected by us and processed in accordance with our Notice to Customers and Other Individuals relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance ("Notice").

By tapping "Got it", I confirm I've read and agree that Hang Seng Bank may use and disclose my personal data in accordance with the Notice. 

What's your mobile number?
We'll send you a one-time verification code via SMS.
Enter your code
We've sent it to
You will be redirected to next page once verified the sms verification code
Send a new code in 30 seconds
Send a new code
Get ready with your new smart ID card

New smart ID card

Issued from November 2018

Capture HKID Card with your mobile
Take a selfie with your mobile
We just want to know if your are the applicant.
Let's review the captured information
Name in English
Name in English isn't valid, please retake HKID Card
HKID Card number
HKID Card number isn't valid, please retake HKID Card
Date of birth
Date of birth isn't valid, please retake HKID Card
Please make sure in the photo below:
  • No part of your face is covered
  • No information is covered or cropped
  • Your personal information transcribed above is correct
  • Image of HKID card captured is clear
We're unable to retrieve your HKID image, please retake HKID Card
We're unable to retrieve certain information on your HKID Card, please retake HKID Card

Mobile number verification failed

You can't verify with this mobile number at the moment. Please input the correct information.

An error occurred

You can carry on with the application by manually inputting your HKID information and uploading your HKID Card copy.

Unable to proceed with application

We are unable to proceed with your application at the moment, please try again later.

Session timeout

Verification time has expired, please try again.

Adult HKID required

Thank you for your application. We cannot process your application at the moment. You can apply once you've got your adult HKID Card.

Submitted information doesn’t meet requirement for verification

You can carry on with the application by manually inputting your HKID information and uploading your HKID Card copy.

Image quality doesn’t meet requirement

The video captured is not clear enough, please make sure:

  • There's sufficient ambient lighting
  • There's no shadow or glare on the image
  • To keep your HKID card on a flat surface, and avoid using digital screen as background