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Forms |
Form Code |
Employer Application Form |
Individual Tax Residency Self-certification Form (CRS-I (HK)–MPF) |
Entity Tax Residency Self-certification Form (CRS-E (HK)–MPF) |
Controlling Person Tax Residency Self-certification Form (CRS-CP (HK)–MPF) |
Employer's Request for Fund Transfer Form |
Additional Voluntary Contribution Application Form |
New / Change of Direct Debit Instruction Notification Form |
Pay Centre Set Up Form (Fillable format available) |
HA03 (fillable format) |
Change of Employer Details Form (Fillable format available) Notify any change to your business name, address, contact person, contact number, email address and preferred language for correspondence. For other changes not listed on the form, please inform us in writing. |
HA05 (fillable format) |
Authorised Signatures Specimen (Fillable format available) Add, change or cancel the signature specimen of your authorised persons |
HAY1 (fillable format) |
Change of Member's Employment Details Notification Form Notify any change of your employees' pay centre, class or member type |
Member Transfer Form Transfer employees between companies whereby the new employer agrees to recognise the employee's length of employment with the existing employer for the purpose of making a Long Service Payment or Severance Payment. |
Authorised E-mail Address for Electronic Communication For employers to provide the authorised email address(es) to the administrator of Hang Seng MPF for communication purpose |
Payment Proof for Long Service Payment / Severance Payment |
Rebalance of Reserve Account Portfolio Form |
Reserve Redirection Form |
Asset Switch of Existing Balance of Reserve Account Form |
Duplicate Remittance Statement Requisition Form |
Duplicate Statement Requisition Form |
Remittance Statement - Daily Contribution |
Remittance Statement – Non-daily Contribution |
Remittance Statement – Employee Termination Information |
Contribution Surcharge Objection Form To file an objection to the Payment Notice for Outstanding MPF Contributions and Contribution Surcharge (the "Payment Notice") from MPFA, you should submit this form together with all the relevant supporting documents to MPFA within 14 days from the date of the "Payment Notice". |
Contribution Surcharge Objection Form |
Forms |
Form Code |
Employee Application Form (Fillable format available) |
Individual Tax Residency Self-certification Form (CRS-I (HK)–MPF) |
Change of Additional Voluntary Contribution Arrangement Form |
Personal Details Change Form (Fillable format available) |
Change of Member Signature Specimen |
Scheme Member's Request for Fund Transfer Form (Fillable format available) |
If you wish to transfer your accrued benefits from one MPF registered scheme to another, please be aware of how the transferred-in accrued benefits will be invested. In general, the transferred-in accrued benefits will be invested according to the Default Investment Strategy (“DIS”) if you have not given any valid investment instructions for the transferred-in accrued benefits of the account to the new trustee. Please approach your new trustee to seek clarification, where necessary. If you wish to change or specify an investment instruction for the account in the new scheme, please also approach the new trustee. |
Scheme Member's Request for Account Consolidation Form |
Minimum MPF Benefits Transfer Form |
If you wish to transfer your accrued benefits from one MPF registered scheme to another, please be aware of how the transferred-in accrued benefits will be invested. In general, the transferred-in accrued benefits will be invested according to the Default Investment Strategy (“DIS”) if you have not given any valid investment instructions for the transferred-in accrued benefits of the account to the new trustee. Please approach your new trustee to seek clarification, where necessary. If you wish to change or specify an investment instruction for the account in the new scheme, please also approach the new trustee. |
Employee Choice Arrangement ("ECA") - Transfer Election Form |
If you wish to transfer your accrued benefits from one MPF registered scheme to another, please be aware of how the transferred-in accrued benefits will be invested. In general, the transferred-in accrued benefits will be invested according to the Default Investment Strategy (“DIS”) if you have not given any valid investment instructions for the transferred-in accrued benefits of the account to the new trustee. Please approach your new trustee to seek clarification, where necessary. If you wish to change or specify an investment instruction for the account in the new scheme, please also approach the new trustee. |
Change of Investment Instruction Form
Partial Withdrawal Request Form |
Instructions for Treatment of Accrued Benefits after Retirement Age |
Duplicate Statement Requisition Form |
Employer Consent Form for Employees Who Claim On The Ground of Terminal Illness |
Statutory Declaration on Cessation of Employment Supporting document for employee's cessation of employment and the date of cessation. This form is applicable in the circumstances where:
MPF(S)-C(SD) |
Statutory Declaration on reason on cessation of employment and Severance Payment / Long Service Payment
Please use the Chinese version of declaration form if you would read the jurat in Chinese. |
Claim Form for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Attaining the Retirement Age of 65 or Early Retirement [FORM MPF(S) – W(R)] (Fillable format available) |
Change of Regular Withdrawal Instruction Form |
Claim Form for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Permanent Departure from Hong Kong/Total Incapacity/Terminal Illness/Small Balance/Death [FORM MPF(S) – W(O)] (Fillable format available) |
Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Early Retirement |
MPF(S)-W(SD1) |
Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Permanent Departure from Hong Kong |
MPF(S)-W(SD2) |
Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Small Balance |
MPF(S)-W(SD3) |
Statutory Declaration Made by the Committee of the Estate of a Scheme Member for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits |
MPF(S)-W(SD4) |
Certificate of a Person Having a Terminal Illness That Falls within Section 158(3) of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (General) Regulation or Section 6(12G) of Schedule 2 to the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Exemption) Regulation |
MPF(S)-W(T) |
Certificate of a Person's Permanent Unfitness for a Particular Kind of Work |
MPF(S)-W(M) |
Forms |
Form Code |
Self-employed Application Form |
Self-employed Person Relevant Income Declaration Form |
Individual Tax Residency Self-certification Form (CRS-I (HK)–MPF) |
Scheme Member's Request for Fund Transfer Form (Fillable format available) |
If you wish to transfer your accrued benefits from one MPF registered scheme to another, please be aware of how the transferred-in accrued benefits will be invested. In general, the transferred-in accrued benefits will be invested according to the Default Investment Strategy (“DIS”) if you have not given any valid investment instructions for the transferred-in accrued benefits of the account to the new trustee. Please approach your new trustee to seek clarification, where necessary. If you wish to change or specify an investment instruction for the account in the new scheme, please also approach the new trustee. |
Scheme Member's Request for Account Consolidation Form |
New / Change of Direct Debit Instruction Notification Form |
Personal Details Change Form (Fillable format available) |
Change of Member Signature Specimen To change the signature specimen. |
Change of Investment Instruction Form
Cessation of Self-employment / Transfer of Accrued Benefit Notification Form |
Duplicate Remittance Statement Requisition Form |
Duplicate Statement Requisition Form |
Remittance Statement |
Additional Voluntary Contributions Arrangement Form |
Partial Withdrawal Request Form |
Instructions for Treatment of Accrued Benefits after Retirement Age |
Claim Form for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Attaining the Retirement Age of 65 or Early Retirement [FORM MPF(S) – W(R)] (Fillable format available) |
Change of Regular Withdrawal Instruction Form |
Claim Form for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Permanent Departure from Hong Kong/Total Incapacity/Terminal Illness/Small Balance/Death [FORM MPF(S) – W(O)] (Fillable format available) |
Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Early Retirement |
MPF(S)-W(SD1) |
Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Permanent Departure from Hong Kong |
MPF(S)-W(SD2) |
Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Small Balance |
MPF(S)-W(SD3) |
Statutory Declaration Made by the Committee of the Estate of a Scheme Member for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits |
MPF(S)-W(SD4) |
Certificate of a Person Having a Terminal Illness That Falls within Section 158(3) of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (General) Regulation or Section 6(12G) of Schedule 2 to the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Exemption) Regulation |
MPF(S)-W(T) |
Certificate of a Person's Permanent Unfitness for a Particular Kind of Work |
MPF(S)-W(M) |
Forms |
Form Code |
Personal Account Holder Application Form |
Individual Tax Residency Self-certification Form (CRS-I (HK)–MPF) |
Employee Choice Arrangement – Transfer Election Form |
If you wish to transfer your accrued benefits from one MPF registered scheme to another, please be aware of how the transferred-in accrued benefits will be invested. In general, the transferred-in accrued benefits will be invested according to the Default Investment Strategy (“DIS”) if you have not given any valid investment instructions for the transferred-in accrued benefits of the account to the new trustee. Please approach your new trustee to seek clarification, where necessary. If you wish to change or specify an investment instruction for the account in the new scheme, please also approach the new trustee. |
Scheme Member's Request for Fund Transfer Form (Fillable format available) |
If you wish to transfer your accrued benefits from one MPF registered scheme to another, please be aware of how the transferred-in accrued benefits will be invested. In general, the transferred-in accrued benefits will be invested according to the Default Investment Strategy (“DIS”) if you have not given any valid investment instructions for the transferred-in accrued benefits of the account to the new trustee. Please approach your new trustee to seek clarification, where necessary. If you wish to change or specify an investment instruction for the account in the new scheme, please also approach the new trustee. |
Scheme Member's Request for Account Consolidation Form |
MPF(S)-P(C) |
Personal Details Change Form (Fillable format available) |
Change of Member Signature Specimen |
Change of Investment Instruction Form
Partial Withdrawal Request Form |
Instructions for Treatment of Accrued Benefits after Retirement Age |
Duplicate Statement Requisition Form |
Claim Form for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Attaining the Retirement Age of 65 or Early Retirement [FORM MPF(S) – W(R)] (Fillable format available) |
Change of Regular Withdrawal Instruction Form |
Claim Form for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Permanent Departure from Hong Kong/Total Incapacity/Terminal Illness/Small Balance/Death [FORM MPF(S) – W(O)] (Fillable format available) |
Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Early Retirement |
MPF(S)-W(SD1) |
Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Permanent Departure from Hong Kong |
MPF(S)-W(SD2) |
Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Small Balance |
MPF(S)-W(SD3) |
Statutory Declaration Made by the Committee of the Estate of a Scheme Member for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits |
MPF(S)-W(SD4) |
Certificate of a Person Having a Terminal Illness That Falls within Section 158(3) of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (General) Regulation or Section 6(12G) of Schedule 2 to the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Exemption) Regulation |
MPF(S)-W(T) |
Certificate of a Person's Permanent Unfitness for a Particular Kind of Work |
MPF(S)-W(M) |
Forms |
Form Code |
Flexi-Contributions Application Form (Employee) |
Flexi-Contributions Application Form (Personal Account Holder) |
Individual Tax Residency Self-certification Form (CRS-I (HK)–MPF) |
Flexi-Contribution Lump Sum Deposit Form (Flexi-Contribution Account Holder) |
Change of Regular Flexi-Contribution Instruction Form (Employee) |
Flexi-Contribution Account Maintenance Request Form (Flexi-Contribution Account Holder) |
Flexi-Contributions - Partial Withdrawal / Account Closure Request Form (Employee / Personal Account Holder) |
Forms |
Form Code |
Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions Account Holder Application Form (Fillable format available) |
HATC (Fillable format) |
Individual Tax Residency Self-certification Form (CRS-I (HK)–MPF) |
Personal Details Change Form (Fillable format available) |
HA91(Fillable format) HA91 (sample) |
Change of Member Signature Specimen |
Set up / Change of Regular Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions Instruction Form |
Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions Lump Sum Deposit Form Make lump sum Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions. |
Change of Investment Instruction Form
Scheme Member’s Request For Transfer of Tax Deductible Voluntary Contributions (TVC) (Fillable format available)
HAPT (Fillable format) |
Claim Form for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Attaining the Retirement Age of 65 or Early Retirement [FORM MPF(S) – W(R)] (Fillable format available)
Appropriate supporting documents and, where applicable, statutory declaration must be enclosed. |
HAPR (Fillable format) |
Change of Regular Withdrawal Instruction Form |
Claim Form for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Permanent Departure from Hong Kong/Total Incapacity/Terminal Illness/Small Balance/Death [FORM MPF(S) – W(O)] (Fillable format available)
Appropriate supporting documents and, where applicable, statutory declaration must be enclosed. |
HAPO (Fillable format) |
Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Early Retirement
Please use the Chinese version of declaration form if you would read the jurat in Chinese. |
MPF(S)-W(SD1) (The relevant form can be downloaded from the MPFA’s website at www.mpfa.org.hk.) |
Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Permanent Departure from Hong Kong
Please use the Chinese version of declaration form if you would read the jurat in Chinese. |
MPF(S)-W(SD2) |
Statutory Declaration for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits on Ground of Small Balance
Please use the Chinese version of declaration form if you would read the jurat in Chinese. |
MPF(S)-W(SD3) |
Statutory Declaration Made by the Committee of the Estate of a Scheme Member for Claims for Payment of Accrued Benefits
Please use the Chinese version of declaration form if you would read the jurat in Chinese. |
MPF(S)-W(SD4) |
Certificate of a Person Having a Terminal Illness That Falls within Section 158(3) of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (General) Regulation or Section 6(12G) of Schedule 2 to the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Exemption) Regulation
Please use the Chinese version of declaration form if you would read the jurat in Chinese. |
MPF(S)-W(T) |
Certificate of a Person's Permanent Unfitness for a Particular Kind of Work
Please use the Chinese version of declaration form if you would read the jurat in Chinese. |
MPF(S)-W(M) |
Instructions for Treatment of Accrued Benefits after Retirement Age
Duplicate Statement Requisition Form
The handling charge is HKD50 per financial year for each copy. |
Contact Us |
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Existing MPF Customers | Make a reservation online and meet with our MPF Specialists at designated branches |
- Employers: 2288 6822 | |
- Members / Self-employed persons: 2213 2213 | |
- HKSARG Employees: 2269 2269 | |
Non-existing MPF Customers | |
- Enquiries / Apply for Hang Seng MPF: 2997 2838 |