Hang Seng MPF TVC Bonus Unit Rebate Offers

MPF e-Services Summary


Hang Seng MPF offers various e-Services to employers and members for easy MPF management.




Employer e-Services


Handling MPF contributions for employees is an indispensable task for employers every month. In order to assist employers with reporting MPF contribution details more effectively, Hang Seng MPF offers a number of electronic methods for you to handle the MPF contributions for your employees, empowering you to meet your MPF obligations.


Hang Seng Business e-Banking MPF and Payroll Services

  • Preloads each employee’s latest contribution record for employer’s easy reference
  • Helps calculating both employer’s and employee’s mandatory MPF contributions in respect of each employee automatically according to the relevant income input by employers
  • Employers can add new staff and report terminated employees if necessary, and set up the direct debit date for settlement of contributions
  • If you have applied for payroll services via Hang Seng Business e-Banking, you can also manage employees’ payrolls and MPF contributions on one platform efficiently
  • For the Hang Seng Business e-Banking MPF and Payroll Services User Guide, please click here


Designated encrypted email through ‘SecureMail’ account and channel

  • Each month, employers will receive an encrypted email with the electronic remittance statement attached
  • The latest contribution records for your employees are preloaded and employers can update and modify the relevant contribution records if necessary, and submit the electronic remittance statement to us through our designated encrypted ‘SecureMail’ account and channel


HR software with MPF contribution facilities

  • Hang Seng MPF supports some HR software with MPF functions to calculate MPF contributions provided by third parties
  • Usually equipped with data validation and input checking functions, helping users to minimise input mistakes


Customised file interface

  • For companies or enterprises that have already set up their internal system to handle and calculate MPF contributions, Hang Seng MPF can support a customised file interface for employers to suit their needs on electronic submission
  • Please contact us for special arrangement


Tips: we will send out an email notification when we have received your remittance statement, remember to update your email address for the service!


For the summary of the above electronic methods for reporting contribution details, please click here.

Contact Us

Hang Seng MPF Hotline Make an e-Appointment
Existing MPF Customers Make a reservation online and meet with our MPF Specialists at designated branches
- Employers: 2288 6822
- Members / Self-employed persons: 2213 2213
- HKSARG Employees: 2269 2269
Non-existing MPF Customers
- Enquiries / Apply for Hang Seng MPF: 2997 2838