Hang Seng MPF TVC Bonus Unit Rebate Offers

MPF Specialists

Our professional MPF Specialists are stationed at the following designated Hang Seng Bank branches for assisting you in handling MPF-related matters.
Designated branches and service hours*



Service hours

Head Office

B2, Head Office, 83 Des Voeux Road Central, Central

Mon – Fri: 9am to 4:30pm
(except public holidays)

Kowloon Main Branch

1/F, 618 Nathan Road, Mongkok

Tai Ho Road Branch

1/F, 30 Tai Ho Road, Tsuen Wan

Yuen Long (Kau Yuk Road) Branch

1/F, Fu Ho Building, 5 Kau Yuk Road,

Yuen Long

* Hang Seng Bank Limited reserves the right to change the list of designated branches and service hours at any time without prior notice.

Contact Us

Hang Seng MPF Hotline Make an e-Appointment
Existing MPF Customers Make a reservation online and meet with our MPF Specialists at designated branches
- Employers: 2288 6822
- Members / Self-employed persons: 2213 2213
- HKSARG Employees: 2269 2269
Non-existing MPF Customers
- Enquiries / Apply for Hang Seng MPF: 2997 2838