Director's profile

Patricia LAM Sze Wan
Independent Non-executive Director

Joined the Board since
July 2022

Other positions held within Hang Seng Group

  • Hang Seng Bank LimitedNote - Member of Nomination Committee; Member of Remuneration Committee

Other major appointments

  • Dickson Concepts (International) LimitedNote - Independent Non-executive Director; Member of Nomination Committee
  • Hang Seng School of Commerce - Director
  • M Plus Museum Limited - Non-West Kowloon Cultural District Authority Board Member
  • MGM China Holdings LimitedNote - Independent Non-executive Director; Chairperson of Remuneration Committee; Member of Nomination, Environmental, Social and Governance Committee
  • Patti Wong & Associates Limited - Co-Founder and Partner; Director
  • The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong - Governor

Past major appointments

  • Sotheby’s Inc. - Senior International Chairman (March 2022 - January 2023)
  • Sotheby’s Hong Kong Limited -
    Chairman of Sotheby’s Asia (2004 - 2022);
    Chairman of Sotheby’s Diamonds (2005 - 2022);
    Various positions including Head of Private Client Services Department (1991 - 2005)


  • Post Graduate Diploma in Asian Arts - Sotheby’s School of Oriental and African Studies, The University of London, UK
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Monetary Economics - The London School of Economics, UK

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Note: The securities of these companies are listed on a securities market in Hong Kong or overseas.