Director's profile

WANG Xiao Bin
Independent Non-executive Director

Joined the Board since
February 2022

Other positions held within Hang Seng Group

  • Hang Seng Bank LimitedNote - Chairman of Risk Committee; Member of Audit Committee

Other major appointments

  • Cathay Pacific Airways LimitedNote - Independent Non-executive Director; Chair of Audit Committee; Member of Board Risk Committee

Past major appointments

  • Worley LimitedNote - Independent Non-executive Director; Member of Audit and Risk Committee; Member of Nominations Committee (2011 - 2024)
  • China Resources Power Holdings Company LimitedNote-
    Executive Director (2006 - 2023);
    Senior Vice President (2020 - 2023);
    Company Secretary (2003 - 2023);
    Chief Financial Officer (2003 - 2020)
  • Angang Steel Company LimitedNote - Independent Non-executive Director (2005 - 2009)
  • ING Bank N.V. - Various positions including director of corporate finance in the investment bank division (1995 - 2003)
  • PriceWaterhouse, Australia - Various positions in the audit and business advisory division (1990 - 1995)


  • Chartered Accountant, Australia
  • Member - CPA Australia (formerly known as Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants)
  • Graduate diploma in Applied Finance and Investment - The Financial Services Institute of Australasia (formerly known as Securities Institute of Australia)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce - Murdoch University, Australia

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Note: The securities of these companies are listed on a securities market in Hong Kong or overseas.