Hang Seng MPF To pay less tax is everyone's dream... That has now come true! Make tax deductible voluntary contributions to enjoy potential tax savings*^ and bonus unit rebates*! View details *Investment involves risks.  Terms and conditions apply ^The actual tax savings depend on your personal circumstances (opens in a new window)

MPF and You



Additional voluntary contributions, Flexi-Contributions and tax deductible voluntary contributions are accepted at the discretion of the Trustee. The Trustee reserves the absolute right not to accept any additional voluntary contributions, Flexi-Contributions and tax deductible voluntary contributions at any time.


The information shown on this webpage is for illustrative purposes only. The tax incentives mentioned in the webpage are only available to Hong Kong taxpayers. The actual tax deductible and/or saving amount depends on the personal circumstances, which may be different from the amounts shown on this webpage. It is not intended to provide any form of tax advice. Hang Seng Bank Limited does not provide tax advice. You are advised to exercise caution in relation to tax matters and this webpage. If you are in doubt about any of the contents of this webpage, you should obtain independent professional advice. Please note that the tax law, regulations and/or interpretations are subject to change and may affect any related tax incentives including the eligibility criteria for a tax deduction. Hang Seng Bank Limited is not responsible for informing you about any changes in laws, regulations or interpretations, and how they may affect you.


Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of financial instruments, in particular stocks and shares, and any income from such financial instruments, may go down as well as up. For further details including the product features and risks involved, please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure.


The information contained in this page is for reference only and the provisions of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance, other applicable legislation/regulations and guidelines or announcements published by the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority shall prevail.

Contact Us

Hang Seng MPF Hotline Make an e-Appointment
Existing MPF Customers Make a reservation online and meet with our MPF Specialists at designated branches
- Employers: 2288 6822
- Members / Self-employed persons: 2213 2213
- HKSARG Employees: 2269 2269
Non-existing MPF Customers
- Enquiries / Apply for Hang Seng MPF: 2997 2838