Prestige Private: eligibility requirement

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Prestige Private eligibility requirement

How do I qualify as a Prestige Private customer?

Simply maintain an average Total Relationship Balance(“TRB”) of HKD8,000,000 or above in the previous 12 months to enjoy all of Prestige Private's exclusive services and privileges.

The TRB is the monthly aggregate balance of the daily average of all deposits, gold accounts, securities, investment funds, utilised overdraft facilities, credit cards cash advances, outstanding balance of personal loans, and accumulated premiums paid for the designated life insurance plans distributed by Hang Seng Bank as an agent as well as Hang Seng MPF balance. For sole name integrated account holders, their other joint name account(s) will also be included.

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(852) 2998 8022

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Other point(s) to note

  1. Please read Hang Seng Prestige Private Terms and Conditions.
  2. Hang Seng has never authorised any intermediaries for local account openings. While opening your Hang Seng personal account, please don't share your information with third parties, or engage with any intermediaries. Contact our branch in case of any queries.