eAppointment for Prestige Private and Prestige customers

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Appointment details

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Before making an appointment

Details confirmation

Appointment confirmation

Please leave us the following details. We will contact you within 3 working days and arrange a meeting to provide a tailor-made solution for your insurance enquiry.

For the enquiry of existing Hang Seng Life Insurance policy, please contact our Life Insurance After-Sales Customer Service Hotline (852) 25966262 .

Please provide us with the following details. We'll get in touch with you within 3 working days to arrange a meeting for your insurance enquiries on VHIS products.

Please review and confirm your personal and contact details. You can also click "Edit" to change the information, then click "Save" to update.

We will contact you within 3 working days and arrange a meeting to provide a tailor-made solution for your insurance enquiry.

We'll get in touch with you within 3 working days to arrange a meeting for your insurance enquiries on VHIS products.

Call-back arrangement information

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eAppointment for Prestige Private and Prestige customers

Arrange a call-back

Your personal details

Personal details
Hang Seng Bank account type

Contact details

Contact details
Contact time
For new policy enquiry, what type of insurance would you prefer? (Optional)
Message (Optional)
Please keep your message within 400 English letters or 100 Chinese characters.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Hang Seng Bank Limited (the "Bank") will not accept liability for any delay, errors, omissions or failure associated with this call-back form, whether or not caused by any network problems, system failures and/or blockages by third party applications. The Bank reserves the rights to change, suspend or discontinue the above services at its discretion and at anytime without prior notice.
  2. The information provided by you is only used for the purpose of making an appointment call by the Bank. Online information transmission is encrypted to ensure security and confidentiality. Please do not include enquiries or instructions related to your banking transactions in your emails to us.
  3. Before submitting the information, please read and accept our Important Message to Readers and Internet Privacy Policy Statement and Privacy Policy.

Need more help?

Life insurance

Medical insurance

General insurance


 Other point(s) to note

  1. Prestige Private customers can contact their personal Relationship Manager or 24-hour Prestige Private manned phone banking hotline at (852) 2998 8022 for consultation on insurance solution.
  2. Prestige Banking customers can contact their personal Relationship Manager or 24-hour Prestige manned phone banking hotline at (852) 2998 9188 for consultation on insurance solution.
  3. The information provided by you is only used for the purpose of making an appointment. The online information transmission is encrypted to ensure security and confidentiality. However, please do not include enquiries or instructions related to your banking transactions in your emails to us.
  4. Before submitting any information please read our Important Message to Readers and Internet Privacy Policy Statement.