Caring Insurance Services

Arrange a call-back

Verify information


Step 1/3




Please leave us the following details and our designated staff will contact you within 24 hours1 to provide a professional and tailor-made solution for your insurance enquiry.
Thank you for providing the following details. Please confirm the appointment details.
Thank you for providing the following details and our designated staff will contact you within 24 hours 1 to provide a professional and tailor-made solution for your insurance enquiry.
Before submitting your information2, please read our Important Message to Readers and Internet Privacy Policy Statement .

Arrange a call-back

Enter details

Plan details
Your personal details
Contact details
Contact time
Message (Optional)
Maximum number of characters allowed in a message is 400 English characters or 100 Chinese characters.
Plan details
Your personal details
Contact details
Contact time

General enquiry

Life Insurance

General Insurance

Policy enquiry hotline

Life Insurance

Travelsure, Home Care & other General Insurance (Chubb)



  1. Only applicable to business days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
  2. The information provided by you is only used for the purpose of making an appointment purpose. Online information transmission is encrypted to ensure security and confidentiality. However, please DO NOT include enquiries or instructions related to your banking transactions in your e-mails to us .

General enquiry

Life Insurance

General Insurance

Application hotline

Refundable Life Insurance

Policy enquiry hotline

Life Insurance

Travelsure, Home Care & other General Insurance (Chubb)

General enquiry

Life Insurance

General Insurance

Application hotline

Refundable Life Insurance

Policy enquiry hotline

Life Insurance

Travelsure, Home Care & other General Insurance (Chubb)



  1. Only applicable to business days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.