Resume affected services

Verify identity to resume suspended services

Due to security reasons, after activating your Mobile Security Key on a new device, some services (such as raising small value daily transfer limit and non-registered payee daily transfer limit, transferring to new payee, adding new registered payee, and updating mobile number and email address) may be suspended temporarily.

To resume the services, you need to further verify your identity first:

  • Verify your identity at any Hang Seng and HSBC ATMs by choosing “Other Service” > “Verify identity for full access to Personal e-banking services”
  • Call our hotline (852) 2822 0228 (Phone Banking PIN and SMS verification required) 
  • After at least 24 hours, verify your identity via SMS under "Settings & Security" > "Device & app settings" > "Verify identity" in Hang Seng Mobile App