

Hang Seng Bank is striving to provide accessible banking services to all customers, including the elderly, people with disabilities or special needs.


Permanent ramp / Lifting platform / Temporary ramp

Hang Seng is striving to provide barrier-free access to all branches for all customers. If a permanent ramp or lifting platform cannot be provided or installed due to various objective constraints, a temporary ramp will be provided.

The accessibility information in the Branch Addresses & Self-Service Banking Addresses can be found.

Call button

If a permanent or lifting platform cannot be provided or installed due to limitations of building structures or footpath conditions, a call button will be installed to facilitate customers to seek assistance from bank staff when needed.

Wheelchair accessible service counter or meeting room

For wheelchair users and other customers in need.

Assistive Listening System – Induction loop system

All branches are equipped with induction loop system to keep customers with hearing impairment free from surrounding noise and assist them in communicating with staff.

Guide Dogs

Visually-impaired customers accompanied by guide dogs are welcomed.


Wheelchair accessible ATM

Hang Seng is striving to provide ATMs with the suitable height for wheelchair users.

Voice navigation ATM

Visually-impaired customers can simply insert an earphone into a voice navigation ATM[1] to activate the voice navigation mode for selected transactions.

The below ATM functions are supported by voice navigation feature:

  • Cash withdrawal
  • Balance enquiry
  • Transfer funds
  • Change ATM Card PIN

Personal e-Banking and bank website

Hang Seng Bank is committed to facilitating accessibility and usability of our Personal e-Banking and bank website for customers with different needs. We provide Security Device with audio capability to visually-impaired users for logging on to Personal e-Banking. To suit the wider needs of our customers, both text and images on the desktop version of our Personal e-Banking web page and bank website can be resized by using the "Ctrl" and "+" or “-” keys.

We have also been implementing the requirements of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) over time and our efforts are ongoing. WCAG are part of a series of web accessibility guidelines published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)'s Web Accessibility Initiative with an aim to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities and more useful for all.



  1. Select “Voice Navigation ATM” service under the “Advanced filter” function of Branch Addresses & Self-service Banking Addresses