Virtual Assistant B E R I
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Talk to B E R I - the Hang Seng Business Virtual Assistant.
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- This Virtual Assistant is an automated service and therefore cannot answer questions specific to your account. All information provided is for reference only and does not constitute any offer for any products or services and is not intended to provide professional investment or other advice.
- Please do NOT disclose in any conversation any account number, internet username, PIN, password, identity card number or any personal data which may enable your identity to be directly or indirectly ascertained.
- The use of this Virtual Assistant is subject to the terms set out under the Important Message to Readers and Internet Privacy Policy Statement and the Notice to Customers and Other Individuals relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hang Seng Bank Limited ("Hang Seng"). By using this Virtual Assistant, you accept and agree to be bound by these terms.
- The conversation content will be recorded, analyzed and used for this Virtual Assistant's accuracy and quality enhancement. The conversation content will be retained by Hang Seng for 12 months.
- Data will be processed and stored by Hang Seng and authorised third parties, which may include processing overseas.
- All products or services mentioned by this Virtual Assistant are subject to the respective terms and conditions. Please refer to our website hangseng.com/business for further details.
- By using this Virtual Assistant or by starting a conversation with this Virtual Assistant, it constitutes your acceptance of this Important Notice for "Hang Seng Business Virtual Assistant B E R I" and agree to be bound by it.
- This conversation will be assigned with a conversation ID, with which you may enquire about the conversation details and request for removal of the same via our Customer Service Hotline.