
Integrated Business Solutions Account

Open buiness account to enjoy remittance, trade and other privileges

Business Account Opening Welcome offers

Open your business account fully online in as fast as 5 days and unlock exclusive “Gear Up” welcome offers!

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Your Priority as a Business Owner:

Using business account for financial management, to raise operating efficiency and realise business plans without hassles. 

Integrated Business Solutions Account (“IBS”), One Stop Business Account Service:

  • Hang Seng Commercial Card* consolidates company expenses, streamlines payment processes effectively and saves costs.
  • Investment services to help your company grasp every investment opportunity in different market conditions to enhance the potential returns of your company’s funds.
  • Exclusive business account with privileges on a wide range of banking products and services:

Product Privileges
Foreign Exchange Preferential T/T exchange rate up to 140 basis points1
Payroll Service Full fee waiver2
Hang Seng Commercial Mastercard Annual fee waiver for first two years
  • Business Account Monthly Fee Waivers which take into account your Total Relationship Balance3 with Hang Seng.

Total Relationship Balance Monthly Fee
HKD100,000 equivalent or above Waived
Below HKD100,000 equivalent HKD200

The Bank reserves the right to suspend, revise or cancel the above Business Account privileges, revise any foreign exchange rates, fees, charges, special privileges, other services and the related terms and conditions at any time without any prior notice. In case of any disputes, the decision of the Bank shall be final and conclusive.

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Watch Now: Business Account Setup Proceduce

Difficult to open business account? 3 steps to remotely open an Hang Seng business account online in as fast as 5 days can help you 

How can we make a difference for you with IBS?

One-stop Business Financial Management

All-in-one account
Have one business integrated account that includes HKD current, savings (in HKD, RMB, foreign currencies), time deposit, investment, and statement gold accounts.
Consolidated Statement
Get an overview of account balances, transaction history and credit-related information under your IBS and all other Hang Seng accounts.
No-Bounce Cheque/Autopay Protection4
Temporary overdraft of up to HKD10,000 to prevent returned cheques or autopay failure.
AutoSweeping Service
Automatic fund transfer from your savings account to cover overdrawn amount5 or exceeded credit limit.
Secured Overdraft Facility
Secured by the assets under your account to supplement cashflow against unexpected events. 

Investment & Treasury Services

Activate the investment sub-account of Business Account to enjoy a wide array of investment services. In addition, we offer an extensive range of treasury services to limit your exposure to exchange rate and interest rate fluctuations.

Investment Services
• Securities Services
• Investment Fund Services
• Structured Products
• Capital Protected Investment Deposit
• MaxiInterest Investment Deposit
• Bond Investment Services
• Certificates of Deposit Services 

Treasury Services
• Hedging Products on Foreign Exchange and Interest Rate


Multi-Channel Access

Save administrative time and cost by managing your account via any channel that suits your time and need, anytime and anywhere.

Banking Channels
• Hang Seng Business e-Banking6
• ATM Services6
• Deposit Card6
• Quick Cheque Deposit Service
• Quick Deposit Service
• Phone Banking6
• Hang Seng Business Virtual Assistant B E R I

Hang Seng Commercial Card*

Commercial Card lets you settle business expenses all over the world with flexibility while enjoy a series of comprehensive protection plus superior privileges tailored to the needs of frequent business travellers.

FREE Payroll Services7

In addition to automated staff salary payments, an integrated autopay solution in business account will help generate tax returns for your staff6.




*To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

Risk Disclosure

Investors should note that all investment involves risks. Prices of investment products may go up as well as down and may even become valueless. Investors should read in detail the offering documents and the Risk Disclosure Statement of the relevant investment products before making any investment decision. Capital Protected Investment Deposit and MaxiInterest Investment Deposit are not protected deposits and are not protected by the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong.

Foreign Currency Risk

Foreign exchange involves exchange rate risk. Fluctuations in the exchange rate of a foreign currency may result in gains or losses in the event that the customer converts HKD to foreign currency or vice versa.

RMB Currency Risk

Renminbi ("RMB") is subject to exchange rate risk. Fluctuation in the exchange rate of RMB may result in losses in the event that the customer subsequently converts RMB into another currency (including Hong Kong Dollars). Exchange controls imposed by the relevant authorities may also adversely affect the applicable exchange rate. RMB is currently not freely convertible and conversion of RMB may be subject to certain policy, regulatory requirements and/or restrictions (which are subject to changes from time to time without notice). The actual conversion arrangement will depend on the policy, regulatory requirements and/or restrictions prevailing at the relevant time.


  1. The foreign exchange offer is only applicable to customers who maintain an IBS and conduct foreign exchange transactions via (1) Hang Seng Business e-Banking through any of the customers’ account maintained with the Bank, ie. the IBS, standalone Savings Account and standalone Current Account or (2) any of the Bank’s branches or Hang Seng HSBCnet through the IBS. Foreign exchange rates are subject to review according to changes in market conditions from time to time. The Bank reserves the right to change the above foreign exchange rate offers at any time. Before making the relevant transaction, please check with our staff for the effective exchange rate applicable to the transaction.
  2. Full service waiver applies to the registration fee, annual fee and transaction fee of “Hang Seng autoPay Service” and the first time set-up charge of the Hang Seng AutoPay Service with not more than ten second parties.
  3. The Total Relationship Balance is the monthly aggregate balance of the daily average of customer's deposits, gold accounts, securities, investment funds, utilised overdraft facilities, credit card cash advances and the outstanding balance of loans (except mortgage loan), trade finance and Hang Seng MPF Balance and the premium paid for the designated general insurance plans distributed by Hang Seng Bank as an agent for that month.
  4. Please refer to related terms and conditions in the "Reference" Section.
  5. AutoSweeping Service is only applicable to a daily total overdraft / excess amount of HKD20,000 or below. If the total overdraft / excess amount on the same day exceeds HKD20,000, even if any one of the cheque / autopay transactions is equal to or below HKD20,000, AutoSweeping Service will not be activated.
  6. Customer is required to apply for the above services separately, please contact our staff for details.