Liquidity Solution

Interest Enhancement Facility

Improve credit interest rates with preferential pricing based on total balances across all of your accounts notionally.

Your Priority:

Enhancing the value of your operating account balances.

Hang Seng Interest Enhancement Facility:

Preferential interest rates will be offered to your HKD, RMB and USD corporate operating accounts within the same Group, without any need for actual currency exchange or physical funds movement. The Interest Enhancement Facility works to maximise your financial power within the same Group to improve your interest earnings, providing robust support for the continued growth of your business.

Virtual Assistant B E R I

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How can we make a difference for you with Interest Enhancement Facility?

  • Enjoy preferential interest rates
  • Avoid the impact of potential Foreign Exchange Fluctuations
  • Simplify corporate account daily administration


The above services are subject to the relevant Terms and Conditions.

In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the above content, the English version shall prevail.