
Export Trade Services

Offer a full suite of trade solutions that mitigate your risks and improve your cash flows

Your Concern as an Exporter (Supplier):

  • Avoiding fraudulent document credits (DC) while maintaining a fast DC payment cycle.


DC Advising Service:

  • You may instruct your buyer to nominate us as the DC Advising Bank at the point of DC issuance.
  • We will check the authenticity of the DC issued to you using our strong worldwide correspondent bank network.
  • Advising of DC will be made to you swiftly so that you can prepare the relevant shipment and shipment documents as soon as possible. 

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Call 2198 8000

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Hang Seng SME Trade Loan tenor up to 90 days

How could we make a difference for you with DC Advising?


To speed up DC Advising substantially, you may designate up to 5 e-mail addresses to receive Import and Export DCs and amendments issued via SWIFT without any charges.



Free Custody of DC

We provide free custody of DC service so you do not have to worry about storage or loss.

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!