
Import Trade Services

Provide fast and smooth processing services for your international transactions

Your Concern as an Importer (Buyer):

Securing the deal: Pay for the goods only when stipulated conditions are met.

Import Collection Bills Service:

  • Your supplier ships goods and submits trade documents to its bank.
  • We will notify you when the trade documents have been received.
  • Depending on the sales terms, you can either accept the Bill of Exchange (draft) or give payment instruction to us.
  • Trade documents and subsequently the goods can then be collected.



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Hang Seng SME Trade Loan tenor up to 90 days

How could we make a difference for you with Import Collection Bills?

Availability of finance

You can enjoy Import Finance by which we will extend an import loan to you for settlement of a bill drawn under Documentary Collection.

You can also improve the flexibility of the cash flow by paying off the loan at agreed maturity date.  

First Class Service 

Prompt advice on receipt of documents and prompt fund transfer to your supplier after bills checking.

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!