Online Services

Receivables Management System Service

Set up a unique Virtual Account for each customer to enable at-a-glance account reconciliation
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Your Priority:

Increasing the ease and efficiency of managing your accounts receivables from various Hang Seng channels.

Receivables Management System Service:

All-in-one solution for managing your account receivables, with built-in receivables advising service and real time updates on payment statuses.

Contact Us 

Call 2198 8000 
Contact your Relationship Manager 

How can we make a difference for you with Receivables Management System Service?

Centralised database

At-a-glance view of collection details across multiple collection channels

Account receivable reconciliation

Easy payment allocation and reconciliation based on your clients’ transaction details, account receivables records and payer profiles

Quicker collection cycle

Reduce transaction handling costs and enhance operating efficiency

Consolidated collection reports

Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business decision making with the support of consolidated reports that can be generated from the centralised database for you to download via Hang Seng HSBCnet

Receivables advising

Timely information on your company’s receivables status. 



The above services are subject to the relevant Terms and Conditions.

In case of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of the above content, the English version shall prevail.